Category archives: Art

[:en]I mix and match illustration education digital arts and games using both analog and digital techniques like silkprinting, electronics, photography, and coding.[:es]Mezclo y combino ilustración, arte digital, educación y juego utilizando técnicas analógicas y digitales como la serigrafía, la electrónica, fotografía estenopeica, y la programación.[:]

Cuatro Ojos

Cuatro Ojos
Videojuego cooperativo en el que cada uno de los jugadores se equipará con unas gafas que les permitirá ver exclusivamente ciertos elementos de la imagen gracias al filtro de estas. Mediante la unión de todos los jugadores y a través de la comunicación física y/o verbal, podrán construir una escena...
Posted in Art


ONA is an interactive installation commissioned by Glories CC for Llum 2020. A structure filled with fabrics that move in a sea like manner, is illuminated by reels of animated LEDs and accompanied by atmospheric music. Though the interactive pilar the user can choose between different sea creatures that will...


Kandinsky visualised sounds as patches of color and it emerged in his most abstract creations. His paintings are considered to blend the perception of hearing and sight. Thus Kandilight; an interactive instalation that proposes a synesthetic experience experimenting with light, color and sound. The piece consists of a collection of...
Posted in Art

La Lluna

La Lluna
La Lluna, is a tangible non-frontal interface that allows the participation and collective observation by all its contour. These characteristics allow her to become, among other things, an interactive instrument that proposes an approach to music and graphic forms through playful experimentation. Made with Toni Jaime.      
Posted in Art


Theos is an interactive table where the user/player must position himself. Interacting with the tangible objects, he will help or disrupt the characters goals adding or removing new elements to the game scene. Created with Toni Jaume in 2017      
Posted in Art


Datástrofe is a video-game that challenges the user to overcome adversities and catastrophes generated in real time by data on gas emissions, environmental noise and traffic. The player must overcome a scenario in which he will battle to counteract the negative effects generated by the environmental data through sustainable actions...
Posted in Art

360º Explorer

360º Explorer
360º Explorer is an interactive installation commissioned by Jardins de la Pau as part of the 360 Photography Exhibition. The ball allows you to explore a series of 360 photographs; changing the perspective on a photograph by rotating the ball on its axis, and switching to the next photograph by...
Posted in Art

Interstelar Contact

Interstelar Contact
Interstelar Contact is an interactive planerarium developed in MediaLab Prado's Media Art Futures Interactivos?15. With the colaboration and cordination of various users different constelations can be drawn in an almost coreographic manner. Once the constelation is created, the figure will be shown in the proyected space, and the name and aditional information about the constelation will be displayed.
Posted in Art